About us

Climate scientists and software experts together.

In order to achieve carbon emission reductions, experts are needed to help companies of different sizes, associations, foundations and other organizations to identify their own emission sources. However, not everyone needs to to be atmospheric scientists to do a carbon calculation, but this is where automation comes to the rescue.

picture of Ari Rekonen

Ari Rekonen

CEO, sales

picture of Jussi Mononen

Jussi Mononen

Founder, CTO, software development

picture of Ville Miettinen

Ville Miettinen

Customer onboarding, admin

picture of Tomi Saarinen

Tomi Saarinen

Software development

picture of Ville Saranpää

Ville Saranpää

Sustainability expert


Email us, somebody will answer


Call Ari

If you prefer phone calls like Ari, don't hesitate to call him at +358 44 502 0022

Visit us

We do actually have an office too. It's in Espoo, Finland. You're welcome of course. Let's just schedule the visit first.