Automatic carbon footprint calculator

Mission: Carbon neutral society 2035


A solution for carbon footprint calculation

It will be very hard to reach the carbon neutrality goals the world needs unless we have good, trustworthy tools to measure them. While sustainability and carbon neutrality are global trends, practical means are yet rare. The CarbonLink service enables calculating an organization’s carbon footprint and including the parts that are often overlooked.


Sustainable practices for an evolving industry

Up to date

The carbon footprint calculation takes place in real time when the invoice data arrives. The carbon footprint can be continuously monitored.


The carbon footprint calculator is based on researched information and is constantly developing as the carbon calculation becomes more precise.

Invoice based

CarbonLink analyzes and categorizes the company's carbon footprint based on invoice data.


Responsibility reporting requires up-to-date, constantly available information. With CarbonLink's automatic carbon footprint calculator, carbon calculation can be made an everyday part of the company's operations.


CarbonLink's carbon footprint calculator does not require the purchase and maintenance of any specific system to work, but we integrate into your existing system directly, as long as it has an API interface (Application Program Interface).


Data security is important and we take great care with financial data. Carbon calculation does not process personal data at all, but we only use the counter lines of electronic invoices, information related to the purchased service or product, and accounting information. You log in to the service with your organization's Google or Microsoft credentials. Single sign-on (SSO) supports your company's own data security requirements, for example two-step authentication, and keeps access under the company's general user management and control.


Key features


The results can be viewed per calculation line. In this way, we can get to grips with emission sources precisely.


Illustrative diagrams provide an overview of carbon emissions. The results can be limited based on dates, for example by fiscal year.


It is possible to compare the company's carbon load with, for example, the previous fiscal year.

Group summary

As an additional service, a summary view and the possibility to eliminate internal transfers are offered to group customers.

PDF report

For sharing information, it is convenient to create a PDF summary of the results, which shows the most important results.


The documented interface enables data to be brought to us and, when agreed, also to retrieve data.


Invoicing applications and alike

There is already an existing integration for these software systems


Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions or potential questions already answered.

What is CarbonLink?

CarbonLink is a web application that calculates an estimate of the carbon footprint from invoice data and displays it in the web interface.

What do a carbon footprint mean?

The carbon footprint is an estimate in which the carbon load that burdens the climate produced by a company or organization is expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents, i.e. Co2e. The smaller the carbon footprint, the better.

Why bother?

Larger companies have to, thanks to EU regulation. However, we would like to think that all of us are interested in the matter at least to the extent that we find out at what level we operate and if there are easy areas for improvement. Easy targets are often not the ones that first come to mind.

What is required of me?

Nothing impossible. If you use one of the financial management systems listed above, we just need API keys and enough trust that you can leave your data with us. We promise to treat it with care.

What if our financial management program is not listed?

Get in touch. Let's see if something can be done about it. We are constantly developing our integrations. But if your system is notes written on filter paper, we recommend some kind of electronic system because we live in modern times and we can't help it otherwise.

Are the calculations accurate?

The carbon calculation is always an estimate, which our system does as well as it reasonably can, based on up-to-date science. The quality of the results varies depending on several factors, including the quality of the descriptions of the invoice lines and the company's industry. When looking at the results, one has to remember that even though the accounting is accurate, calculating the carbon footprint is always the best possible estimate. However, the calculation is accurate enough for reporting needs.

Over one hundred organisations have chosen CarbonLink to help with carbon footprint calculations
1 mrd+
CarbonLinkin system calculates results for over billion euros worth of invoices each month.
100 000+
Invoice rows
CarbonLink handles over 100 000 invoice rows every month.


Let us be the solution for your carbon footprint calculation troubles.